taking a break

Sitting in front of a computer hours on end, day after day, can really get to us. While I’ve put in several hours already this morning and added lots of links to my blog, I’m getting ready to head out, take a break, enjoy some sunshine and act like a human being for a few hours. Hopefully it will help the kink in my neck and will refill the well of my creativity. It’ll be nice to share some time with a friend. We’re planning a day at the park with a picnic, walk and some good ol’ girl talk.

Yesterday was my birthday. I want to thank Frankie for making sure it didn’t pass unnoticed and Barb for making some delicious fresh cupcakes in my honor. We all enjoyed them Barb. Ever think of a culinary path? Art is art. Whether it be food (one of my favs) or design. The thing is, we’ve all got so much work to complete towards our portfolios, print and online. It meant a lot to me that you all took some time to be with and think of me. Thanks, guys!

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